White Metal Mancais Invests in Cutting-Edge Technology with the Acquisition of a New ROMI-D800 Machining Center

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In a strategic move to further enhance its processes and services, White Metal Bearings acquired another ROMI-D800 machining center at the end of 2023. This investment reaffirms the company’s commitment to continuous improvement and operational efficiency.

White Metal Bearings’ strategic actions in 2023 and for the coming years are focused on significantly improving customer service, product quality, and operational efficiency. This initiative aims not only to meet the growing market expectations but also to exceed them.

The vision of investing in modernization is a crucial step towards solidifying White Metal Bearings’ position as leaders in the manufacturing of sliding bearings. The company is dedicated to exceeding customer expectations by providing superior-quality products, competitive costs, and agility in deliveries.

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